Electromagnetic Flow Meter: An Essential Tool


Among the various flow measurement techniques available, electromagnetic flow meter have emerged as a dependable and widely adopted solution.  So, what a flow meter is. It is a device that measures the flow rate of conductive fluids, such as water or chemicals.

Electromagnetic flow meter installation

Evolution of magnetic Flow Meter

The key advantage of flow meter is their non-intrusive nature. Mechanical flow meters that require insertion into the flow path and flow meters can be installed externally, eliminating the risk of clogging or pressure drop. For example, this feature reduces maintenance efforts and ensures uninterrupted operations, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Key Components of Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The key components of water flow meters include the flow tube, electrodes, and transmitter. The flow tube is where the fluid flows, while the electrodes measure the voltage generated. Because the transmitter processes the voltage signal and calculates the flow rate.

Best Practices –

Proper Sizing and Calibration


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