Piezometer with Digital Water Level Recorder

What is Piezometer?

Piezometer with Digital Water Level Recorder the device used to measure the pressure of fluids within soil, rock, or also some other porous materials. Piezometer converts water pressure to electrical frequencies via signal wire.

As per the diagram you can see Piezometer is a Steel Cylinder which is water proof.


Piezometer with Digital Water Level Recorder

As we have already known that piezometer give electrical frequency and DWLR converts those frequency into digital value. Because this tool combines traditional pressure measurement with modern digital technology to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and convenience of monitoring real-time data on groundwater levels and enhance
the ability to manage and understand subsurface water dynamics. Also, this integration is worth a lot in geotechnical engineering, hydrology, construction, and environmental management.

How It Works?

Benefits of Piezometers with Digital Water Level Recorders


 The Importance of Piezometer Equipment

As we know whole world is facing a shortage of natural resources due to excess and irregular consumption, so the Government is taking step forward to preserve the same. There is an excessive usage of water by the industrial premises. To control the wastage and have an accurate record of consumed water, the Ministry of Jal Shakti formed the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) under Environmental Protection.
So CGWA has made some Rules and Regulations for Industries to Install Piezometer with DWLR for regular monitoring of Ground Water Level..


A Piezometer with Digital Water Level Recorder provides a significant advancement in-ground water monitoring by combining traditional measurement techniques with modern digital technology. This integration delivers continuous, accurate, remote monitoring capabilities, and environmental compliance of projects across various sectors. They are essential tools in a wide range of engineering and environmental applications and project managers can also achieve superior water management outcomes, ensuring project success and sustainability.

If you find this too complicated to do yourself, Contact our experts to get a system in place. And they will help you set up your system efficiently and quickly.

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